
Player Profile #1: The Older Gentlemen

Now this first post profiling player types might get me in trouble. Let me give a disclaimer that in no way am I condoning stereotypes or to "peg someone" immediately on what they look like. Just as a general guideline these are player types that I tend to see. I mean no offense with any of these player profiles.

The older gentlemen that I tend to see at poker tables are all usually good players. Most of the time however I'll notice that they play really tight and not as aggressive as they should be. This is just a common observation and no don't accuse me of being 'ageist'. As I've said, this is all just from personal observation and yes of course there are times where there are older gentlemen who play differently. There are certainly young men (and women) who play like this as well. My point is to watch for these traits:

1.) Look to see if they play very few hands and how often do they call preflop
2.) Do they raise or defend often?
3.) Do they play to the river when you raise?

Be careful with this profile. You could set yourself up into a big trap if you force the pot and try to bluff them at the wrong time with a lot of chips. All it takes sometimes is a moderate size bet and most of the time they'll just cave. If they call be careful. They are going on something and since they are tight they might be slow playing OR they're trying to catch cards OR seeing it down to the river. And if they raise, well you better have something.

And if you see this old man run for the hills:


Max said...

Next you should profile the "asian gambler"!

James said...

Thats easy Max. For the "Asian Gambler" you should beware and always fold your pocket aces to.