

This is my first attempt at blogging. I just need to express myself instead of rambling about my poker experiences in an uncategorized, incoherent way. I feel this is something that might actually interest people who don't know me.

One thing to get straight. This isn't about bad beats and whining about how my Aces were cracked by pocket twos. This isn't about how some dumb butt called a raise with 4 8 off suit, or how some jerk off caught their inside straight draw. If you've ever played poker for long enough you've not only listened to someone moan about how they lost all their chips, but you've probably have whined yourself. This is not about that. This blog is about discussion. This is about revelations about the game itself as well as strategy. I see this as much of a way to help me as it is a way to help you. So without further ado, welcome all you unknowns. Perhaps when one of you lucky schmoes who wins the world poker tour with 10 2 off suit and you make it big and standing on 10 million chips, you'll remember us.

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