
oh noes.... here we go again

I have since played again in these short handed games. Unfortunately for me, what I thought was another tournament with the same group that I played with last time turned into a cash game, unknown to me. Oh well, I didn't lose ALL my money trying to get first place ;)

Since then I've also been to Foxwoods another time. I got lucky in sitting with a table with a relatively tight/aggressive game (as opposed to a loose/aggressive game). I actually didn't do too well for the first..... 5 or 6 hours but I perservered and managed to pull ahead a decent profit in the end. Although at the end of the day I got the short end of the stick since I had to pay both my zipcar rental and a speeding ticket. A couple things to note about this trip was that I was paying extra attention when I could (man, how easy it is to not pay attention to everything), I was extremely patient and waited for the right hands/position, I built up the pot a bit so when i did steal/win the flop I wasn't pulling in 6 bucks at a time but maybe more like 20-30 dollars at a time, and that I got up and left after I realized I was 'done' playing (aka playing way too loose due to exhaustion/food depravation/intoxication). Overall I think I did pretty well for a 10 hour session at foxwoods.

I'm going again this saturday if everything goes through correctly. The most important thing I need to remember when I get there is to assess the table I'm placed at. No fish around? That means I'm the fish....

Good luck to everyone in 2009 (except to fish. They dont deserve luck)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why would you want to play with other tight agressive players? Wouldn't loose players pay more to your decidedly tight agressive style?