
Things I have learned this trip

I want to just point out that I've been awake for almost 20 hours now, so bare with me if my writing is a little wacky.

Today has been a big milestone in my poker life. I feel like my skills have improved slightly. I distinctly say slightly because I have learned 2 very important things today.

Firstly, old people should not be categorized as "soft". Up until today I thought they were all tight and passive players. The first table I sat at, I was being outplayed by loose aggressive players. Were they young? No. They were at least 4 times my age and were chasing things down the river, re-raising my 40 dollar raises with 150 dollars.... I got so frustrated I couldn't readjust my strategy in time and got busted out. I need to recognize a table that I am able to play at before getting myself into that situation and that old people deserve more respect. I am officially humbled.

Second, once you get busted out and are frustrated its much better to walk around, play craps, or whatever for an hour until you feel like you've lost that universal sting known as being on tilt. I played craps for about an hour. I didn't play aggresively, and walked away about even and felt fine. I went back to the poker room and won back what I lost plus some. Luckily this table was soft enough for me to play well. I need more tables like that ;)

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