
Good advice on choosing tables

I found this useful tidbit of advice from Mike Caro on which tables to leave when you run into these signs...

Reasons to leave a game: (1) Game is bad; (2) Your image is bad; (3) You've been losing, inspiring opponents; (4) Silence; (5) Your foes play selectively, but aggressively; (6) Game is too loose for your bankroll (loose games are generally more profitable, but require larger bankrolls, due to increased fluctuations of outcomes); (7) You can't actually spot mistakes opponents are making; (8) You're worried about cheating (this will eat up mental energy, even if it's false); (9) You feel "glued to your seat."

This is good advice, and next time I sit at a table I will be sure to look for these signs before deciding to continue to play.

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